Friday, June 12, 2015

In Your Element...

Chemical elements, that is!

Of all the chemical elements, more have been discovered (or co-discovered) by British scientists than by scientists of any other nation.  The British have discovered 23, ahead of Sweden and Germany (both 19), and the USA and France (both 17).

Here is a chronological list.

1766 - Hydrogen
1774 - Oxygen (co-discovered)
1772 - Nitrogen
1790 - Strontium
1791 - Titanium
1801 - Niobium
1803 - Osmium
1803 - Palladium
1803 - Rhodium
1804 - Iridium
1807 - Sodium
1807 - Potassium
1808 - Barium
1808 - Boron (co-discovered)
1808 - Calcium
1808 - Magnesium
1861 - Thallium
1894 - Argon
1895 - Helium (co-discovered)
1898 - Krypton
1898 - Neon
1898 - Xenon
1917 - Protactinium (co-discovered)

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