Monday, June 15, 2015

The Haggis...

I know I've described it before on here (and most of you probably know what it is, anyway), but a haggis is a traditional Scottish dish.  It is made from the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep, mixed with oatmeal, onion, and spices, and cooked in a sheep's stomach.  Sounds yucky, I know, but it is pretty good!

So, there is even a poem - and a humorous one, too - about the delicacy.  Here is The Haggis, by George McKissock.

The haggis is a noble beast,
The same size as a crow.
It maks the Scot a noble feast,
And gies his nose its glow.

The merry ghillies hunt it, lass,
Flyin' backward through the snow,
An' trap it in their bunnets, lass,
Whaur the purridge trees hang low.

Whaur the purridge trees hang low, lass,
An' the sporran bushes grow;
They champ the tatties up, ma lass,
Tae trap their bonnie foe.

Sae drink your whusky up, lass,
An' pass the bottle roun'.
It helps yer indigestion, lass,
An' keeps the haggis doon.

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