Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How Novel...

I know people tend not to read as much as they used to, but there are some great British novels out there.  Not that I read much fiction, I know, but if you want a good read, here are some of the best British novels of all time...

Barchester Towers (Anthony Trollope) - 1857

Bleak House (Charles Dickens) - 1852

Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady (Samuel Richardson) - 1748

A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess) - 1962

Cranford (Elizabeth Gaskell) - 1853

A Dance to the Music of Time (Anthony Powell) - 1951-1975

Emma (Jane Austen) - 1815

The Forsyte Saga (John Galsworthy) - 1922

The Girls of Slender Means (Muriel Spark) - 1963

Great Expectations (Charles Dickens) - 1860

Howards End (E M Forster) - 1910

I, Claudius (Robert Graves) - 1934

Lady Chatterley's Lover (D H Lawrence) - 1928

Lanark : A Life in Four Books (Alasdair Gray) - 1981

Living (Henry Green) - 1929

Middlemarch (George Eliot) - 1874

Money (Martin Amis) - 1984

Mrs Dalloway (Virginia Woolf) - 1925

The New Confessions (William Boyd) - 1987

Of Human Bondage (Somerset Maugham) - 1915

The Pilgrim's Progress (John Bunyan) - 1678

Quartet in Autumn (Barbara Pym) - 1977

Riders (Jilly Cooper) - 1985

Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe) - 1719

The Sea, The Sea (Iris Murdoch) - 1978

Tess of the d'Urbervilles (Thomas Hardy) - 1891

Tom Jones (Henry Fielding) - 1749

Vanity Fair (William Makepeace Thackeray (1848)

White Teeth (Zadie Smith) - 2000

Wolf Hall (Hilary Mantel) - 2009

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